
Welcome to my website, internet traveller. This website is in its very early stages and progress is at a halt atm since im focused on finishing my main site at the moment, so go check that out instead :PPP

i will write something longer at a later date but all you need to know is I Love Tank Dempsey. this man is very important to me and i care about him with the intensity i would a lover. now, you may ask: "david. you are a communist that hates the U.S. military. why are you so attached to a character that is a stereotypical patriotic USMC guy?? he is your political and moral opposite!" to which i say. um. i have no fucking idea

im using this to test the scrollbar! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




woow! a timer that i should change to look nicer later! that's so cool.
I have loved Dempsey for: